Neil Frances
The duo behind Neil Frances come from two different worlds, and yet their union sounds destined. Jordan Feller and Marc Gilfry first met in 2012. It wasn’t until four years later that Jordan called Marc to lend vocals to some demos, which were intended as a placeholder. As with the best of accidents, the two liked what they heard and Neil Frances was born. Jordan grew up in Sydney, then spent time in London, before landing in Los Angeles. Marc
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Neil Frances
The duo behind Neil Frances come from two different worlds, and yet their union sounds destined. Jordan Feller and Marc Gilfry first met in 2012. It wasn’t until four years later that Jordan called Marc to lend vocals to some demos, which were intended as a placeholder. As with the best of accidents, the two liked what they heard and Neil Frances was born. Jordan grew up in Sydney, then spent time in London, before landing in Los Angeles. Marc
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Trip For Two
You Know that Feeling - You sat back, finally get to hear that song You couldn’t stop thinking about. All Day! You’re in that spot where you always find yourself listening to dope music, it’s the right temperature, and your headphones are all the way up. The Dub/Verb of the music is wrapping around your whole body? The hairs stand on your neck stand at attention 🌀 Mix That With - You’re going somewhere you already know you should’ve already Turned Around, but you got your Ride or Die right next to you? So you know how it’s going to go tonight! Always Enjoy That Kind of Trip! Blue AVAILABLE EVERYWHERE MAY 24, 2024more
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Fly Away...
Hi everyone!! My single "Fly Away..." from my last album "Lunar Adventures..." is now available!! Listen to it and tell me what you think, if you like it follow me on my networks or platforms and I'll follow you back!! Thanks!!more
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Hi everyone!! My single "Missandei" from my last album "Lunar Adventures..." is now available!! Listen to it and tell me what you think, if you like it follow me on my networks or platforms and I'll follow you back!! Thanks!!more
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