Title Fight
Title Fight are an American punk rock band from Kingston, Pennsylvania, formed in 2003. The band is comprised of Jamie Rhoden (vocals, guitar), Shane Moran (lead guitar) and brothers Ned (vocals, bass) and Ben Russin (drums). Title Fight plays music in the vein of Jawbreaker, Kid Dynamite and Lifetime; taking influence from such melodic punk rock acts as Saves the Day, emo bands Knapsack and Seaweed, and, more recently, indie rock acts like Dinosaur Jr. and My Bloody Valentine.
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Title Fight
Title Fight are an American punk rock band from Kingston, Pennsylvania, formed in 2003. The band is comprised of Jamie Rhoden (vocals, guitar), Shane Moran (lead guitar) and brothers Ned (vocals, bass) and Ben Russin (drums). Title Fight plays music in the vein of Jawbreaker, Kid Dynamite and Lifetime; taking influence from such melodic punk rock acts as Saves the Day, emo bands Knapsack and Seaweed, and, more recently, indie rock acts like Dinosaur Jr. and My Bloody Valentine.
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Gone with the Wind
our first release, we're an indie rock group of highschoolers from south jersey just trying to find our foot in the NJ music scene would love honest opinions and critiquesmore
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Let's Pretend
Written, Produced, Mixed and Mastered fully from scratch by me (all instruments and vocals) Dopesick is a genre-bending project that blends grunge, shoegaze, post hardcore, and Midwest emo into a captivating sonic experience. Inspired by influential bands such as Deftones, Nirvana, My Bloody Valentine, Title Fight, Citizen and more. I have crafted a distinctive sound that combines the raw intensity of grunge, the ethereal textures of shoegaze, the emotive power of post hardcore, and the introspective lyricism of Midwest emo. The result is a fresh and dynamic fusion that demands attention and resonates deeply with listeners. What sets Dopesick apart is not only the genre-spanning approach, but also the sheer breadth of my involvement in the creative process. Based in Jacksonville, Florida, I am not only a solo artist but also the owner of a recording studio. This studio, equipped to handle recording, production, mixing, mastering, and even music videos, allows me to bring my artistic vision to life with unparalleled control and artistic integrity. Moreover, Dopesick draws profound inspiration from my personal battles with addiction, which heavily influence both my lyrics and sound. As a person in recovery with over 2 years sober, I channel the raw emotions, struggles, and triumphs of that journey into every aspect of my music. The vulnerability and authenticity woven throughout my lyrics create a deep connection with listeners who have faced similar challenges. The sonic landscape of Dopesick reflects the turbulence and catharsis experienced during those dark times, resulting in a truly immersive and emotionally charged musical experience. By embracing my past struggles, Dopesick embodies resilience, hope, and the transformative power of music. more
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