I have a story to tell.. A story about a silent pursuit, about imaginations, and about the strange way things come together when you least expect them to.
The story starts in 2018. A girl once approached me. Even though the feeling wasn't mutual at that point, but we continued to talk casually like online friends. But one day, she blocked me. No reason, no explanation—just gone, like she never existed in the first place..! Even the people I reached out to didn't have any clue of who she was..
In that moment, I was left with nothing but echoes of conversations that never finished...
"Did I do something wrong..?", questions like this started a search. Not just for her, but for something else I didn’t know I was missing. And in that pursuit, I was slowly falling for her which is something I never felt before..
What happened next? A lyrics weaved in melodies was born.
Five years spent self-learning music production, then 5 months in crafting the song and 4 more months turning it into something more than a song—an animated map of an imagination that once seemed hope. The cinematography was shot in the quiet and serene places of Chuadanga and the bustling yet beautiful corners of AIUB, my uni.
Biyogfol er Itikotha is more than just a song; it’s a window into that circles a maze of emotions, a reflection of all the search, the conversations, the ‘what ifs’ that never got answered. (or was it?)
So, here’s my question for you: Was my pursuit of finding her a success..? Does this story still matter to me? Am I still holding on to her, or was the release of this song my way of letting go?
Drop your guesses in the comments. Someday, maybe, I’ll tell you the truth—or maybe that’s just another piece of the mystery to be left unsolved..
Stream the song wherever your heart feels at home—whether it’s in your Spotify, iTunes, on your feed, or stitched into the fabric of your edits or Instagram stories...
Share it, remix it, let it echo into corners I’ll never reach. Just don’t let it fade into the background.
This isn’t just music; it’s a piece of me, carved out, stitched together, and left here for the world to see.
All I ask is this: give it the recognition it deserves. Let it live beyond me.more