Franz Schubert
Franz Peter Schubert (1797-1828) was an Austrian composer. He wrote some 600 lieder, nine symphonies (including the famous "Unfinished Symphony"), liturgical music, operas, and a large body of chamber and solo piano music. He is particularly noted for his original melodic and harmonic writing. Schubert was born on 31st January 1797 into a musically knowledgeable family, and received formal musical training through much of his childhood. While Schubert
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Franz Schubert
Franz Peter Schubert (1797-1828) was an Austrian composer. He wrote some 600 lieder, nine symphonies (including the famous "Unfinished Symphony"), liturgical music, operas, and a large body of chamber and solo piano music. He is particularly noted for his original melodic and harmonic writing. Schubert was born on 31st January 1797 into a musically knowledgeable family, and received formal musical training through much of his childhood. While Schubert
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The Dessert ( Ghost Dance )
This song is written by Scott A Gradert (@scottybaby) in 1992. The song explores the Ghost Dance theme of the Indigenous Peoples of the South Western American Deserts, who lived for countless generations in peace in pursuit of their dreams. It tells the story of those who remember their ancestors in light of the present times where so much has been lost to history. - Vocal: Amar Antoine Back Vocals :Josie, Ufuk Çelik, Azra Azizov Guitar: Azra Azizov Violins: Ufuk Çelik, Jasmina Uğur Keyboard: Büşra Azizov Electronics and Mixage: Irida Antoine, Ioannis Antoine Bass: Josie Drums and Drums Kit: Özgür Alp - Production : THE SCOTT BROTHERS BAND, THE ANTOINE & UFCEBABA Families Song by: Scott A Gradert - This song is a unique song created with a fusion of classical music with Native American music, country, hip hop, rock and the influence of soul music.It is actually a combination of the past and the future, merging old school and new school. - What is Ghost Dance? - The Ghost Dance is a spiritual movement that emerged in the late 19th century among Native American tribes, particularly among the Plains Indians. It was founded by the Paiute prophet Wovoka, who claimed to have received a vision during a solar eclipse in 1889. - The Ghost Dance movement led to the Wounded Knee Massacre in 1890. The U.S. government viewed this movement as a threat, resulting in the deaths of many Native Americans. - The Ghost Dance was not just a ritual; it became a symbol of the efforts of Indigenous peoples to preserve and revitalize their cultural identity. Today, this movement is remembered as an important part of the resistance and identity of Native peoples in American history. --- The Desert (Ghost Dance) - I wanna live in the desert. That’s where my mind can be free. I wanna be in the desert. To see as far as I can see. - My naked soul blows in the wind, And flies up high into the sky. Unhindered vision all around me, Changing colors as I fly. - If your heart has fallen to the ground, As you walk your Native Land, You can call it back to your god, As you walk the desert sands. - I wanna live in the desert. That’s where my mind can be free. I wanna be in the desert. To see as far as I can see. - I dreamed the Ghost Dance long ago, And saw that Life begins again. More are gone now than are here now, Like the trails where we’ve been. - There’s an end to every story, And every story is a Life. The Desert is The Book of Stories, Full of Sorrow, Joy, and Strife. - Scott A. Gradert 1992more
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Piano trio (part 2 of 3) in Mozart style more
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αγαπώ ( Love )
This song has emerged as a result of the collaboration between the Antoine family and the UFCEBABA family. This song is ready, and we wanted to share it as Valentine's Day approaches. It just came out of the studio.Enjoy listening! --- Vocal: Irida Antoine Back Vocals: Azra Azizov & Jasmina Uğur Electro Violin: Ufuk Çelik Guitars: Azra Azizov & Masal Su Çelik Keyboard: Jasmina Uğur Bass: Josie Drums: Özgür Alp --- Produced by The Antoines & UFCEBABA --- Lyrics in Greek: --- Τα λουλούδια της αγάπης που άνοιξαν τον κήπο της καρδιάς μου, όμορφα χρώματα, ουράνιο άρωμα. Λουσμένη στην ύπαρξή σου, η ψυχή μου γίνεται όμορφη και η καρδιά μου είναι γεμάτη ευτυχία όλη την ώρα. - Όταν τα μάτια μας συναντιούνται, τι μεταδίδουν τα μάτια τους; Η ζεστασιά του κρατώντας τα χέρια αναφλέγει το πάθος στην καρδιά μου. Το γέλιο, τα χαμόγελα και το γέλιο είναι ατελείωτα, και ο ενθουσιασμός που φέρνεις κάνει την καρδιά μου να χτυπά. - Ο χρόνος που περνάτε μαζί σας είναι σαν υπέροχη αγάπη, αμέτρητα πολύτιμες, αγαπημένες μέρες, αγαπημένες στιγμές. Δεν θα ήμουν πλήρης χωρίς εσένα. Είσαι η ζωή μου. Λέω" σ 'αγαπώ" όλη την ώρα --- Lyrics in English --- The flowers of love that opened the garden of my heart, beautiful colors, heavenly scent. Bathed in your existence, my soul becomes beautiful and my heart is filled with happiness all the time. - When our eyes meet, what do their eyes convey? The warmth of holding hands ignites the passion in my heart. The laughter, the smiles, and the joy are endless, and the excitement you bring makes my heart race. - The time spent with you is like wonderful love, countless precious, beloved days, cherished moments. I would not be complete without you. You are my life. I say 'I love you' all the time. --- by Ufuk Çelik.more
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