"7th Street Suite" (11 tracks) Beat Story Album
track 8. The Robbery
Presented & Produced by: Little Tree
with featured beats by The KOT (@xelor_zum_3d , @elwoaa , @chly.wly , L.T.)
O. U. T. - N. O. W
A story beat like album packed with your favorite crime movie samples & shows with a detailed audio production and soundscape listening experience to enjoy..
Based off a crime noir story by Little Tree. ----
Available Now on Spotify, YouTube
or You can buy the album on Bandcamp to support
More updates soon and thank you for listening _
L. I. N. K. I N B. I. O
S e v e n - S t r e e t - S u I t e -
K e e p e r s - o f - t r a d I t I o n smore