Matt Redman is a British Christian songwriter, and was one of the main worship leaders associated with the Soul Survivor organization. He is now with Passion Conferences and an artist for Six Steps Records. He has authored and edited multiple books on Christian worship, including "The Unquenchable Worshipper" and the book Facedown which accompanied the album. Some of his most popular songs include Heart Of Worship, Let Everything That Has Breath, Once Again
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Matt Redman
Matt Redman is a British Christian songwriter, and was one of the main worship leaders associated with the Soul Survivor organization. He is now with Passion Conferences and an artist for Six Steps Records. He has authored and edited multiple books on Christian worship, including "The Unquenchable Worshipper" and the book Facedown which accompanied the album. Some of his most popular songs include Heart Of Worship, Let Everything That Has Breath, Once Again