The Menahan Street Band is a collaboration of musicians from Sharon Jones and the Dap-Kings (Dave Guy, Homer Steinweiss, Fernando Velez, Bosco Mann), El Michels Affair (Leon Michels, Toby Pazner), Antibalas (Nick Movshon, Aaron Johnson) and The Budos Band (Mike Deller, Daniel Fodder), brought together by musician/producer Thomas Brenneck (Sharon Jones & the Dap-Kings, Budos Band, Amy Winehouse) to record hits in the bedroom of his Menahan St. apartment in Bushwick, Brooklyn.
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Menahan Street Band
The Menahan Street Band is a collaboration of musicians from Sharon Jones and the Dap-Kings (Dave Guy, Homer Steinweiss, Fernando Velez, Bosco Mann), El Michels Affair (Leon Michels, Toby Pazner), Antibalas (Nick Movshon, Aaron Johnson) and The Budos Band (Mike Deller, Daniel Fodder), brought together by musician/producer Thomas Brenneck (Sharon Jones & the Dap-Kings, Budos Band, Amy Winehouse) to record hits in the bedroom of his Menahan St. apartment in Bushwick, Brooklyn.
Jani XO’s shows his reverence for Jimi Hendrix, with a simple but powerful guitar intro, then unloads his ideologies in Bars about the power of love in a world filled with complexities.
This life is wicked eye been searching 4 different states of existence.
Thought body was ah prison until eye studied the prism.
Sherita is (My Mother) in the heavens that's when it became unpleasant.
Now You Stuck Inside My Grief Over This Best Killing Peasants. more