World renowned guitarist, Javier Reyes (Animals As Leaders, T.R.A.M.), has inked a new solo deal with Sumerian Records for his new project Mestís, which is an all instrumental effort. The debut EP, Basal Ganglia, is a five track offering showcasing Reyes' vast musical diversity and features an intriguing variety of instrumentation performed by highly acclaimed musicians. The EP was released on November 27th.
Reyes states: “Basal Ganglia is an EP that come from several places, and by places, I mean influences.
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World renowned guitarist, Javier Reyes (Animals As Leaders, T.R.A.M.), has inked a new solo deal with Sumerian Records for his new project Mestís, which is an all instrumental effort. The debut EP, Basal Ganglia, is a five track offering showcasing Reyes' vast musical diversity and features an intriguing variety of instrumentation performed by highly acclaimed musicians. The EP was released on November 27th.
Reyes states: “Basal Ganglia is an EP that come from several places, and by places, I mean influences.