Michael Campbell (1954-2008), better known as Mikey Dread, was a multi-talented Jamaican singer, producer, and broadcaster. During his long career, he brought dub music to the cultural fore in not only Jamaica but internationally, courageously fused dub with punk via work with The Clash, spread a global message of racial unity, and played a seminal role as a forefather of the now popular and very commercial dancehall and even reggaeton styles with popular dub cuts like Roots and Culture.
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Mikey Dread
Michael Campbell (1954-2008), better known as Mikey Dread, was a multi-talented Jamaican singer, producer, and broadcaster. During his long career, he brought dub music to the cultural fore in not only Jamaica but internationally, courageously fused dub with punk via work with The Clash, spread a global message of racial unity, and played a seminal role as a forefather of the now popular and very commercial dancehall and even reggaeton styles with popular dub cuts like Roots and Culture.