No Turning Back
In this day and age where hardcore bands come and go with the speed of light NO TURNING BACK are holding true to what they originally set out to do and they're not planning on giving up, ever. Starting out in 1997 as 16-year olds in the barren south-eastern parts of The Netherlands, music was their only means of venting their anger and frustration of not fitting in, in a world that seemed sick and cold to the bone. Since those days the band has come a long way.
14 members
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No Turning Back
In this day and age where hardcore bands come and go with the speed of light NO TURNING BACK are holding true to what they originally set out to do and they're not planning on giving up, ever. Starting out in 1997 as 16-year olds in the barren south-eastern parts of The Netherlands, music was their only means of venting their anger and frustration of not fitting in, in a world that seemed sick and cold to the bone. Since those days the band has come a long way.
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