Austrian-born Paul Haslinger has secured a distinctive reputation for composing film scores, which incorporate both robust classical elements and compelling electronica. Formally trained in his hometown of Linz, Haslinger ventured to Vienna, where he continued his classical studies while exploring the new domain of electronic music. Auditions for the band Tangerine Dream led to a five year collaboration, four albums, and several films, including Miracle Mile, Near Dark, and Canyon Dreams.
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Paul Haslinger
Austrian-born Paul Haslinger has secured a distinctive reputation for composing film scores, which incorporate both robust classical elements and compelling electronica. Formally trained in his hometown of Linz, Haslinger ventured to Vienna, where he continued his classical studies while exploring the new domain of electronic music. Auditions for the band Tangerine Dream led to a five year collaboration, four albums, and several films, including Miracle Mile, Near Dark, and Canyon Dreams.