Music Video available on YouTube. Lyrics Below:
Give me your love girl
Give me it
Summer days
We were young
Looked so fine
Couldn't get enough
Now we're grown
and the world is torn
All on our own
And we'll never know
Yeah we'll never know
What we could've been
Cause you left with him
My heart stopped for a min
I think it's best that it happened
I unlocked my art it's destined
Taught me a lot like a lesson
You want peace but Im aggressive
I want peace, not your depression
Out of love like a recession
Give me your love girl
Give me it
I'd be there for you but would you do the same for me
Called me at the hospital while I'm with family
Wanted to hurt me but I was already on my knees
Why chase me, give brain daily, love me, all just to leave
Then you wake up
Then you gotta stay up
With no makeup
Thinking bout how you messed up
Texting every guy hey what's up
It's okay because I'm on the come-up
All I really wanted was your love
I didn't think that this was all a setup
Snuck me in your house just to hookup
Dressed you how I want now look up
She puts it in her mouth when we link up
All I gotta say is just drink up
Can't trust these girls like a breakup
Moving so fast, cannot catch up
Love girl for life cause you made us
Sadboy for life cause you hate us
Summer days
We were young
Looked so fine
Couldn't get enough
Now we're grown
and the world is torn
All on our own
And we'll never know
Yeah we'll never know
What we could've been
Cause you left with him
My heart stopped for a min
I think it's best that it happened
I unlocked my art it's destined
Give me your love girl
Give me it
I don't want your love girlmore