Translation of the lyrics for your pleasure:
The faces and the houses
Like functional facades
What one person is building up today
Will be torn down tomorrow by someone else
No love and no life
In this dead plastic garden
There isn't even enough dirt here
To bury your dreams
And we see a flash
Yet we don't hear a bang
Boredom and death
They are much faster than sound
Scrape with your fingernails
Between all the mustiness and scab
Maybe there's still a little bit of life left
In the atomic bomb village
The lyrics, the talk
Too much information
Can you explain it to me again?
Please start again
The signals are disturbed
We can't keep up
Stay silent together
Why is this so difficult?
And we see a flash
And we don't hear any bangs
Boredom and death
They are much faster than sound
Scrape with your fingernails
Between all the mustiness and scab
Maybe there's still a little bit of life left
In the atomic bomb village more