Yunus Özyavuz was borned in 1978 in Samsun.
-First he started DJing in a local radio in Samsun.
-In 1997 he came to Istanbul for his university education. "ISTANBUL UNIVERSITY PERSIAN LANGUAGE & LITERATURE"
-In 1998 He started his music studies by setting up his own music studio called "KUVVETMIRA".
-In year 1999 he attracted the most attention when he appeared as "SILAHSIZ KUVVET" which is his first project and , in the first Turkish Rap album which various performers were attended called "Yeralt Operasyonu".
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Sagopa Kajmer
Yunus Özyavuz was borned in 1978 in Samsun.
-First he started DJing in a local radio in Samsun.
-In 1997 he came to Istanbul for his university education. "ISTANBUL UNIVERSITY PERSIAN LANGUAGE & LITERATURE"
-In 1998 He started his music studies by setting up his own music studio called "KUVVETMIRA".
-In year 1999 he attracted the most attention when he appeared as "SILAHSIZ KUVVET" which is his first project and , in the first Turkish Rap album which various performers were attended called "Yeralt Operasyonu".