T.E.R.D (Trans Exclusionary Radical Dickhead)
On the 7th of February 2025, Creeping Embers are set to release their first studio single, T.E.R.D (Trans Exclusionary Radical Dickhead), an aggressive, politically charged queercore punk tune that loudly condemns TERFs (trans exclusionary radical feminists) on all major streaming platforms.
Inspired by their own lived experiences with TERFs, frontman and vocalist Luciyan Daemon says “I wrote the lyrics to both mock and shame transphobes. It’s so weird that they care so much about other people’s bodies, questioning someone’s genitals and then labelling that group as perverse. It’s just a bit pathetic and strange really. Being an all queer band, transphobia is a topic that directly impacts us and our community, and we’re pissed off about it.”