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Where was my mind at all of this volatile 2020? As far as politics go, all over the place! I’m sure a majority of people felt the same. A pot of racial issues boils over, Injustices within the system, political polarization, media fanning any flame they can, and a government that can’t seem to fully practice the life, liberty and pursuit of happiness that its nation was founded on. The message and feeling behind this record comes from a place of chaos. It’s not a political statement; it’s me translating the overall vibe that the 2020 political atmosphere gave off. I think a lot of us were struggling internally during 2020, and it became harder to deal with those problems because of how much we were getting tagged externally. Wake up to a did you vote texts from random numbers, get on social media and scroll through countless people arguing their opinion, views, interests and beliefs, watch tv and see an ad telling you to vote for this government official, then literally the very next ad is telling you not to vote for that same official, media throwing this narrative at you, and that one, and those ones. It felt so chaotic trying navigating through that atmosphere and that is what inspired me to write this. The track doesn’t really slow down because it’s reciprocating the energy given that made it. I chose the name amirrorca to reflect that message. What this country does has a major effect on all of us, it reflects on all of us. The country is also a reflection of us to the outside world, a mirror, with that in mind I came up with America/ Amirroca .more
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