She cheated and you have revenge fantasies but you're also supposed to be a feminist ally so you argue with your conscience about it for 4 1/2 minutes because even "the most progressive cisgender male you know" still has issues that he needs to work out.
Todd Won't See It
I'd love you
But I'm too crazy
I'd leave you
But I'm too lazy
I'd kill you but I don't know
How to kill someone without a soul
Can you kill someone without a soul?
I'm gonna show all her friends' husbands
What they did on the bachelorette cruise
And sneak around back and take our dog
Go find her mom at the bar
I heard she's single now, too
I'm just speeding karma up
I'm just speeding karma up
Let my conscience sing
Ain't slingin' mud, but I have dirt
Truth is all I've been after
I'm so bad
You're just mad
Slut shamer says he's feminist
Is revenge worth your values?
Don't wanna validate her deception
Her dog's the one thing that really loves her
I'm just speeding karma up
No, just keep it covered up
So that Todd won't see
What Gaston has seen
What Epstein seen
But the riptide's forcing my heel turn
Ain't slingin' mud but I have dirt
Take it out to sea
And throw that malevolence overboard
Just speeding karma up
Just keep it covered up
Let my conscience sing
I'm so bad
Why can't you see that?
I'm so bad
I don't blame you
I make myself sick, too
I'm a man
Oh, here we fuckin' go
And I'm entitled to all of her pain
You'll only hurt yourself, man
Anchors aweigh
Let's make waves
We found him on the beach
He drowned
If there were an animal worse than a bloated pig
Wallowing around in something dirtier than mud
Like shit, but sicker than shit
That's what you make me feel like
What does it take?
What does it take to feel right?
What do I take?
What do I take to feel right?
I'm so bad
Why can't you see that?
I'm so bad
I don't blame you
I make myself sick, toomore