Abel Ganz
In 2002 after a very lengthy hiatus Abel Ganz reformed to perform at a benefit gig at the Classic Rock Society in Rotherham, UK. This was enjoyed so much by all involved that it sparked off the desire to produce a new album. In 2008 Shooting Albatross was released. The album was very well received and was the essence of the new direction the band was heading. Not long after this release founding members Hugh Carter and Hew Montgomery decided to pass the baton and leave the band in the safe hands of Stevie Donnelly
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Abel Ganz
In 2002 after a very lengthy hiatus Abel Ganz reformed to perform at a benefit gig at the Classic Rock Society in Rotherham, UK. This was enjoyed so much by all involved that it sparked off the desire to produce a new album. In 2008 Shooting Albatross was released. The album was very well received and was the essence of the new direction the band was heading. Not long after this release founding members Hugh Carter and Hew Montgomery decided to pass the baton and leave the band in the safe hands of Stevie Donnelly
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