The piece expresses themes of love, intimacy, and self-reflection. It begins with a warning about the complexities of love and the potential to lose oneself. The imagery of sharing a moment on a sofa, wrapped in a blanket, symbolizes comfort and connection between two people. There’s a dialogue suggesting that the nature of their relationship could be defined by the experiences they share. The piece concludes with reflections on the inability to grasp certain emotions, emphasizing a yearning for deeper connections and the beauty of love, even amidst uncertainty.
Vocals: Ufuk Çelik , Josie , Jasmina Uğur
Guitars: Ufuk Çelik , Büşra Azizov
Keyboards & Electronics: Jasmina Uğur & Büşra Azizov
Bass: Josie
Drums: Özgür Alp
Lyrics, & Production: Ufuk Çelik
Lyrics in Turkish (original)
Eğer, karışırsan böyle bir aşka, kalemini bozarım denmişti bir keresinde...
Kendimden kendime...
Laşuur ve berceste mey,
içgüdü her şey.
Akla gelebilecek şey ise
kokuya sarılamamak,
kocaman kocaman,
kalp kalp ve sembolünü bulamamak
Bir kanepe, omuz omuzda
ve film fark etmez...
Oynasın bir şeyler işte...
Öylece durmak.
İki kişi sen ve ben,
bir biz ve battaniyemiz...
Bunun adını sen koyar mısın?
Bilmem, ben yazdığım her şeyi isimsiz yazardım.
Kahramanlık yapmasını bekleyelim o zaman,
ismini kendisi yazsın...
'Bir kanepe, omuz omuzda ve film fark etmez...
Oynasın bir şeyler işte... Öylece durmak.
İki kişi sen ve ben, bir biz ve battaniyemiz...'
'Battaniye' olsun mu sence?
Kahramanlık yaptı bile bak, "biz" olduk işte.
Uyku vakti gelince,
Tomurcuk çiçeğin açması gibi,
sahneden inerken kapanması gibi,
ışığın solması gibi,
usul usul sokulması gibi,
sırtını dayaması gibi...
Ama yine de, kokuya sarılamamak,
kocaman kocaman,
kalp kalp...
Ve yine sembolünü bulamamak
Eğer, karışırsan böyle bir şeye,
kalemini bozarım,
denmişti bir keresinde benden bene...
Kendime ve kendisine ve berceste mey.
Hey! İşte, sende sonsuzluk her şey...
Akla gelebilecek şey ise
kokuya sarılamamak,
kocaman kocaman,
kalp kalp ve sembolünü bulamamak
Lyrics in English
If you get mixed up in such a love, I’ll ruin your pen, it had been said once…
To myself...
Luscious and exquisite wine,
instinct is everything.
What comes to mind is
not being able to embrace the scent,
big, big,
heart, heart, and not being able to find the symbol
of the kiss...
A sofa, shoulder to shoulder,
and it doesn’t matter what the film is...
Let something play...
Just standing still.
Two people, you and me,
a we and our blanket...
Can you name this?
I don’t know, I’ve always written everything nameless.
Let’s wait for the heroism then,
let it write its own name...
Let it write...
‘A sofa, shoulder to shoulder, and it doesn’t matter what the film is...
Let something play... Just standing still.
Two people, you and me, a we and our blanket...’
Should we call it ‘Blanket’?
Look, it’s already done something heroic; we’ve become “we”.
When it's time to sleep,
Like the blooming of a bud flower,
Like the closing down when getting off the stage,
Like the light fading,
Like being nestled up softly,
Like leaning back...
But still, not being able to embrace the scent,
big, big,
heart, heart...
And still not being able to find the symbol
of the kiss...
If you get mixed up in such a thing,
I’ll ruin your pen,
it had been said once from me to me...
To myself and to herself and luscious wine.
Hey! Here, everything is infinity for you...
What comes to mind is
not being able to embrace the scent,
big, big,
heart, heart, and not being able to find the symbol
of the kiss...more