Advance Base
Advance Base is American singer-songwriter Owen Ashworth (born April 22, 1977), formerly known as Casiotone for the Painfully Alone. A debut 7", a split single with Hello Shark was released in July 2011. The debut album, "Shut-in's Prayer", was released on May 15, 2012. Subsequent albums include "Nephew in the Wild" (2015), "In Bloomington" (2016), "Animal Companionship" (2018)
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Advance Base
Advance Base is American singer-songwriter Owen Ashworth (born April 22, 1977), formerly known as Casiotone for the Painfully Alone. A debut 7", a split single with Hello Shark was released in July 2011. The debut album, "Shut-in's Prayer", was released on May 15, 2012. Subsequent albums include "Nephew in the Wild" (2015), "In Bloomington" (2016), "Animal Companionship" (2018)
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Yes Baby
This is the embodiment of the project. The self-titled track invigorates an unhinged romanticism which will define YES BABY's sultry, aching, and dissonant sound. It is a deep sadness, soaring affection, and hazy detachment from reality that inspires these shoegazey creations. Thematically, the songwriting of the project follows the lives of the inhabitants of a small Kansas town I dreamt up at fifteen. I have labeled the sound "transgressive pastoral dreampop." This is my first professional mix. It was mastered by Slowdive's Simon Scott. Working with him was an honor. He brought so much brooding darkness to the track. puts a lump in my chest. It is much more pristine than the SoundCloud demos I uploaded earlier this week. This project is about three years in the making. I recorded Yes Baby with my friend and longtime collaborator Travis, who also provided the Bass on this track. We recorded it 9500 feet in the air in the ghost town of Nevadaville. Often we trek around the spot, finding inspiration in the many pioneer cemeteries slanted against the mountain. The night this song was recorded we witnessed many paranormal things. Moonlight from nowhere. Banging from inside of a coffin. The coo of a ghost baby who died in some plague. Some aspects of the instrumental I wrote back when I was 16. I'm 20 now. I cannot reiterate enough the amount of anguish that goes into my songs. I am a massive fan of dissonance. The passion of the song comes from a dreamlike/mutually unhealthy bender back when I lived in Santa Fe at 19. it was very sad while it happened, but we've since agreed that it changed the trajectory of both of our lives and will share an eternal connection. It was a horrible place, but it is vital to my story and motivations as an artist. It is not me whispering the "you can tell me all about it" outro. It is someone very emotinally dear to me. It adds an extra authenticity to the track which not many people will know about. A portrait of depression, worship, passion, devotion, lust, artistry, and kindness, I have poured my heart and soul into this and will continue to do that with everything. It has taken me eight years to finally be 100% happy with my output. I definitely will have my record recorded by the fall. Thank you so much for listening and for your consideration. It really means the world to me as I navigate this harsh and dim-lit musical landscape for the first time as a solo artist. So much love. So many more songs in store. Welcome to YES BABY.more
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