Bill $aber, known as James McClary to close friends and family, is a 21 year old video director, book writer, graphic designer, but mostly, a Hip-Hop MC. Many call Bill $aber a rapper. He disagrees. “I say it all the time, I’m not a rapper. I am a creator. Rap is just one thing that I’m creating right now.” Using Hip-Hop and rap as an outlet to get across a larger message, Bill $aber is hoping to influence all around him, starting in his hometown of Buffalo.
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Bill $Aber
Bill $aber, known as James McClary to close friends and family, is a 21 year old video director, book writer, graphic designer, but mostly, a Hip-Hop MC. Many call Bill $aber a rapper. He disagrees. “I say it all the time, I’m not a rapper. I am a creator. Rap is just one thing that I’m creating right now.” Using Hip-Hop and rap as an outlet to get across a larger message, Bill $aber is hoping to influence all around him, starting in his hometown of Buffalo.