Black Metal
Dutch old school black metal in the vein of Sarcófago and Beherit, hailing from Zaanstad, North Holland. Formed in 1990 but split up soon after their only demo "Pentagram" was released in 1991 by the Greek record label Black Power.
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Black Metal
Dutch old school black metal in the vein of Sarcófago and Beherit, hailing from Zaanstad, North Holland. Formed in 1990 but split up soon after their only demo "Pentagram" was released in 1991 by the Greek record label Black Power.
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At least let me say goodbye to my children before I do battle with the dragon.
Arcadi is reluctantly tasked with defending his village the dragon, Chwyrnilosgi. He knows he is the only one who can stop the dragon but would rather just be with his children.more
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14 plays
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The dragon burned its last village and made my list of shit to do today.
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Drinking Dwarf Spirits while casting illusions to relive the past.
Memory is the sweetest and most self-destructive sense we have. Arcadi experiences nostalgia through memories that may or may not be real. Memory is an illusion. Arcadi receives word that the dragon is just across the horizon and is coming to Cysur Tawel within the day. Arcadi retires for the evening to the top of his tower to breathe the cool night air and ready his nerves for the coming battle. He is the only thing that stands in the way of the Great Wyrm and the decimation of his home. With his spells ready, Arcadi grabs a bottle of Dwarf Spirits to assuage his fear and to relive memories of a golden era that will be brought to a crumbling end. He remembers his youth running through the meadows and getting chased by the farmers for stealing corn and potatoes from their fields. He recalls the fond memories of getting into mischief with his friends and learning who he was as a man. He reminisces on meeting the love of his life and the beauty of blossoming love. He reflects on his children and all their milestones to becoming women. Was it all golden? Was it even real? Did all these fond memories occur because we remember them? Or is the past just another illusion?more
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