CY8ER, formerly known as BPM15Q, is a Japanese idol group formed by former BiS member Ichigo Rinahamu (苺りなはむ), former DEEP GIRL member Mashiro (ましろ) and Koinumaru Pochi (小犬丸ぽち), who was originally a DJ under ASOBISYSTEM. On April April 25, 2017, three new members were announced; Fujishiro Anna (藤城アンナ), Yamiyume yAmmy (病夢やみい) and Naatan Coromushi (なぁたんコロ虫). Naatan Coromushi withdrew from the group on March 4, 2018.
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CY8ER, formerly known as BPM15Q, is a Japanese idol group formed by former BiS member Ichigo Rinahamu (苺りなはむ), former DEEP GIRL member Mashiro (ましろ) and Koinumaru Pochi (小犬丸ぽち), who was originally a DJ under ASOBISYSTEM. On April April 25, 2017, three new members were announced; Fujishiro Anna (藤城アンナ), Yamiyume yAmmy (病夢やみい) and Naatan Coromushi (なぁたんコロ虫). Naatan Coromushi withdrew from the group on March 4, 2018.
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