Chai is a four person female group from Nagoya. Said to have DIY spirit, they have been compared to artists such as 'The Slits, TOM TOM CLUB, CHICKS ON SPEED, PEACHES, M.I.A., CSS, tUnE-yArDs, and Hinds'. Their style focuses on a relaxed yet exciting indie pop sound.
Members: Mana, Kana, Yuki, and Yuna.
They performed at SXSW in 2017 and embarked on an 8 city tour. Their 2nd EP "CHEMISOKORO series" was released on April 26th.
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Chai is a four person female group from Nagoya. Said to have DIY spirit, they have been compared to artists such as 'The Slits, TOM TOM CLUB, CHICKS ON SPEED, PEACHES, M.I.A., CSS, tUnE-yArDs, and Hinds'. Their style focuses on a relaxed yet exciting indie pop sound.
Members: Mana, Kana, Yuki, and Yuna.
They performed at SXSW in 2017 and embarked on an 8 city tour. Their 2nd EP "CHEMISOKORO series" was released on April 26th.