ayo was tha word ? my name mill and i’d like to review and react to your music on my stream, where also the crowd an audience will be there to give their feedback to.
want in ?
Simply saying your best song with your artist name of the subject line
Also, shoot me over a text message so you don’t miss it
WhatsApp works too
Say, Milli play me on your stream and add your artist name.
What a great song!!!🔥 We are a licensed and project-accepted promoter company. Our company have huge advertising bugdet and we make songs a hit via our professional team with our trend Spotify/YouTube playlists and our TikTok Page. We promote songs to appropriate prices. If you interested to making your song a hit you can contact to us Instagram https://www.instagram.com/soundwavebeatss/ ✅
this is dope !!!! i followed you and gave you some fire!! will you let me review your music on my show? I host a livestream dedicated to helping independent artists. If you are interested, send me a DM on instagram @ crockpotcartelshow