There are two artists with the name Disentomb: 1. An Australian Brutal Death Metal band that formed in late 2009. 2. A Ukrainian Death/Grind band, formed in 2003. 1. Australian Disentomb is a Brutal Death Metal band that formed in early 2009. Playing their debut show in November with The Day Everything Became Nothing (Vic), Defamer and Daemon Foetal Harvest the band has built local, national and international hype with just a release of a two track promo.
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There are two artists with the name Disentomb: 1. An Australian Brutal Death Metal band that formed in late 2009. 2. A Ukrainian Death/Grind band, formed in 2003. 1. Australian Disentomb is a Brutal Death Metal band that formed in early 2009. Playing their debut show in November with The Day Everything Became Nothing (Vic), Defamer and Daemon Foetal Harvest the band has built local, national and international hype with just a release of a two track promo.
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