Fleshcrawl is a death metal band formed in 1987 in Illertissen, Bavaria, Germany, by Stefan Hanus and Bastian Herzog. The band worked under the name Morgöth until the year 1990, when they changed their monicker to Suffocation and decided to become much more extreme concerning the musical direction. After their first demo tape "Festering Flesh" they were again forced to change their band name because of the upcoming US Suffocation and their first vinyl appearance.
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Fleshcrawl is a death metal band formed in 1987 in Illertissen, Bavaria, Germany, by Stefan Hanus and Bastian Herzog. The band worked under the name Morgöth until the year 1990, when they changed their monicker to Suffocation and decided to become much more extreme concerning the musical direction. After their first demo tape "Festering Flesh" they were again forced to change their band name because of the upcoming US Suffocation and their first vinyl appearance.
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