Hildegard Von Bingen
Saint Hildegard of Bingen (German: von Bingen, Latin: Bingensis) (September 16, 1098 - September 17, 1179) was a German magistra, monastic leader, mystic, author, and composer of music. Hildegard was born into a family of nobles in the service of the counts of Sponheim, close relatives of the Hohenstaufen emperors. Because she was a tenth child, and a sickly one from birth, and also perhaps as a political move, at the age of eight Hildegard's parents sent her as a tithe to the church.
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Hildegard Von Bingen
Saint Hildegard of Bingen (German: von Bingen, Latin: Bingensis) (September 16, 1098 - September 17, 1179) was a German magistra, monastic leader, mystic, author, and composer of music. Hildegard was born into a family of nobles in the service of the counts of Sponheim, close relatives of the Hohenstaufen emperors. Because she was a tenth child, and a sickly one from birth, and also perhaps as a political move, at the age of eight Hildegard's parents sent her as a tithe to the church.
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