In love with music till childhood. Every track he heard, he remixed in his head by himself. In High School times he discovered software to change / mix tracks and it has absorbed him totally.Then, edges as there was dream to be a DJ. Lack of equipment and parential support has enforced KD3 to create sets on his own PC, using tractor and similar programmes, where it was accustomed with such elements as cross, pitch, EQ etc. When he had the possibility to train on a friends decks (2005), he's shown he's incredible technique.
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In love with music till childhood. Every track he heard, he remixed in his head by himself. In High School times he discovered software to change / mix tracks and it has absorbed him totally.Then, edges as there was dream to be a DJ. Lack of equipment and parential support has enforced KD3 to create sets on his own PC, using tractor and similar programmes, where it was accustomed with such elements as cross, pitch, EQ etc. When he had the possibility to train on a friends decks (2005), he's shown he's incredible technique.
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