Nyktalgia was a depressive black metal band formed in the Autumn of 2001 in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany by Malfeitor and Winterheart . They released two albums: Nyktalgia and Peisithanatos. The name of the band is derived from "Nyctalgia", which is the nocturnal bone pain experienced by patients with syphilis. They split up in 2008. The song Schemes Amathia can be found on the "Tormenting Legends II" compilation released by Blut & Eisen Prod.
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Nyktalgia was a depressive black metal band formed in the Autumn of 2001 in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany by Malfeitor and Winterheart . They released two albums: Nyktalgia and Peisithanatos. The name of the band is derived from "Nyctalgia", which is the nocturnal bone pain experienced by patients with syphilis. They split up in 2008. The song Schemes Amathia can be found on the "Tormenting Legends II" compilation released by Blut & Eisen Prod.
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