Os Tubarões
1) Os Tubarões formaram um dos grupos mais representativos de caboverde no periodo de transição rumo à independência e democracia. Este grupo de 7 elementos tornou-se embaixador de Cabo Verde levando o cheiro da coladeira, da morna e do funaná para todo o mundo. Uma das particulares deste grupo é que nenhum dos membros era musico a tempo inteiro, alguns deles eram advogados, médicos, trabalhavam nos serviços, o próprio Ildo Lobo, vocalista da banda durante 20 anos, exerceu durante toda a sua vida a profissão de despachante aduaneiro.
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Os Tubarões
1) Os Tubarões formaram um dos grupos mais representativos de caboverde no periodo de transição rumo à independência e democracia. Este grupo de 7 elementos tornou-se embaixador de Cabo Verde levando o cheiro da coladeira, da morna e do funaná para todo o mundo. Uma das particulares deste grupo é que nenhum dos membros era musico a tempo inteiro, alguns deles eram advogados, médicos, trabalhavam nos serviços, o próprio Ildo Lobo, vocalista da banda durante 20 anos, exerceu durante toda a sua vida a profissão de despachante aduaneiro.
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Rainha Tereru
A girl from country side, who loves batuku, and her tradition and preserves her culture even at the capital. Lyrics Your pan paran pan that kills me Your pan paran pan that kills me Your pan paran pan that kills me Your root is watered from the soul of tradition Your faith is mustard seed, so harvest is on your hands Greeting is from God, you greet every morning Your breakfast is praying to God to accompany you Crooks never made you bride, smooth-talker never taste you Your dreams have never made you sleep Because reality has always awaken you Girlfriends never put make up on you, no friends with benefits Beautifull black women but always down in black and white Our tradional cloth has tied you up on batuku Your waist goes, pan pan My heart goes, on the rhytm of batuku Pan pan pan, pan pan pan, pan pan pan Chorus: Hey!Oh girl, you the are queen of tereru(batuku gathering) Your body can’t be bought And, your soul can’t be sold Hey girl, you are the queen of tereru(batuku gathering) Your body can’t be bought And, your soul can’t be sold What kills me is? Your pan paran pan What kills me is?Your pan paran pan What kills me is? Your pan paran pan What kills me is your pan paran pan What kills me is? Your pan paran pan What kills me is?Your pan paran pan What kills me is? Your pan paran pan What kills me is your pan paran pan Your beauty didn’t sell you, even money didn’t buy you Croock didn’t crook you, even sin didn’t sin you You are satisfied with a little but your little is a lot to me Youd did not sell your body on earth, to not lose your soul in heaven Your body is not for showroom, your hair is your race School didn’t educate you, your education comes from home Praia(capital) didn't shift you, nor it didnt change you or tag a price on you You heart is gold, humbleness is your price Humbleness is your price Humbleness is your price Chorus: Hey!Oh! girl, you are the queen of tereru(batuku gathering) Your body can’t be bought And, your soul can’t be sold Hey!Oh! girl, you are the queen of tereru(batuku gathering) Your body can’t be bought And, your soul can’t be sold You came to Praia! You didn’ t change anything You came to Praia! You didn’ t change anything You came to Praia! You didn’ t change anything You came to Praia, and you didn’ t change anything Hey! Oh!girl… Hey! Oh!girl… Hey! Oh!girl… more
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Pay homage to great artists who have elavated the culture and music od Cabo Verdemore
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