Joe Boston, professionally known as stage name Shallou, is a Los Angeles based producer, singer, and environmentalist, who produces ambient, house melodies and soulful vocals that have carved a niche in the Electronic and Indie scenes. His debut EP, All Becomes Okay, was self-released on May 12, 2017.
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Joe Boston, professionally known as stage name Shallou, is a Los Angeles based producer, singer, and environmentalist, who produces ambient, house melodies and soulful vocals that have carved a niche in the Electronic and Indie scenes. His debut EP, All Becomes Okay, was self-released on May 12, 2017.
Very minimalist arrangement...allowing the instruments to convey feelings. Piano nice and precise...addition of strings adds a fullness. Interesting concept and well done...mixed well. Vocals convey message...
nice pads!
I added this track to my new playlist on Spotify CHILL MOODS !!!.
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