The Beer Snobs
What, another beercast?! Yes, indeed! The Beer Snobs all have good taste in beer for the most part (some of us are mocked for simpler tastes I assume). Simply, we just like GOOD beer. GOOD, being the key word! This doesn’t include your run of the mill pee in a bucket. Yeah, folks! We all know what it is, so there’s no need to mention it right now! We’re guys (and gals) with a defined taste of beer. We enjoy lagers, ales, and on occasions (::SIGH::) your ciders. We don’t ask for much, just that you hear us out on .
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The Beer Snobs
What, another beercast?! Yes, indeed! The Beer Snobs all have good taste in beer for the most part (some of us are mocked for simpler tastes I assume). Simply, we just like GOOD beer. GOOD, being the key word! This doesn’t include your run of the mill pee in a bucket. Yeah, folks! We all know what it is, so there’s no need to mention it right now! We’re guys (and gals) with a defined taste of beer. We enjoy lagers, ales, and on occasions (::SIGH::) your ciders. We don’t ask for much, just that you hear us out on .
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