The Knocks are an electronic music duo consisting of Ben "B-Roc" Ruttner and James "JPatt" Patterson. They are known for their own releases on labels such as Kitsuné, Neon Gold, and A&M Octone-Interscope and for their remixes which feature prominently on HypeMachine, Beatport, and various DJs' setlists. (
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The Knocks
The Knocks are an electronic music duo consisting of Ben "B-Roc" Ruttner and James "JPatt" Patterson. They are known for their own releases on labels such as Kitsuné, Neon Gold, and A&M Octone-Interscope and for their remixes which feature prominently on HypeMachine, Beatport, and various DJs' setlists. (
"What I Gotta Be" is a dynamic, soulful track that dives into the emotional journey of self-discovery. It pairs a driving rhythm with a groovy ba… more
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