The Sugarman 3, sometimes titled The Sugarman Three, is a retro-funk band from New York formed in 1996 by saxophonist Neal Sugarman, Hammond organ player Adam Scone, and drummer Rudy Albin. The band has released three studio albums—Sugar's Boogaloo (1998), Soul Donkey (2000), and Pure Cane Sugar (2002)—and one compilation album, Sweet Spot (2001).
Neal Sugarman grew up in Newton, Massachusetts and played saxophone for punk rock bands Boys Life and Black Cat Bone during the 1980s.
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The Sugarman 3
The Sugarman 3, sometimes titled The Sugarman Three, is a retro-funk band from New York formed in 1996 by saxophonist Neal Sugarman, Hammond organ player Adam Scone, and drummer Rudy Albin. The band has released three studio albums—Sugar's Boogaloo (1998), Soul Donkey (2000), and Pure Cane Sugar (2002)—and one compilation album, Sweet Spot (2001).
Neal Sugarman grew up in Newton, Massachusetts and played saxophone for punk rock bands Boys Life and Black Cat Bone during the 1980s.