From their Myspace:
The Outer Void Intrepid Sailor, is the brainchild of brothers Lachlan and Gus Franklin who, along with musical think-alike Ben Browning and other assorted friends and collaborators form a group called; theUniverse. Having spent many a childhood year together in the family car, writing spasmodic ditties to add to their very own fictional top40 Chart, the brothers - whilst driving down to family Christmas one year had a revelatory moment about their place within the universe.
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The Universe
From their Myspace:
The Outer Void Intrepid Sailor, is the brainchild of brothers Lachlan and Gus Franklin who, along with musical think-alike Ben Browning and other assorted friends and collaborators form a group called; theUniverse. Having spent many a childhood year together in the family car, writing spasmodic ditties to add to their very own fictional top40 Chart, the brothers - whilst driving down to family Christmas one year had a revelatory moment about their place within the universe.
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