There are two bands going by the name "Valkyrja": 1) Black metal band from Sweden. 2) Melodic heavy power metal band from Japan. 1. A Swedish Black metal band formed in Stockholm, Sweden in 2004. To date they have released three full-length album and 2 demos. Their most recent album, The Antagonist's Fire, was released through World Terror Committee on November 11, 2013. In March of 2005, the first aural offering was crafted under the title, Funeral Voices
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There are two bands going by the name "Valkyrja": 1) Black metal band from Sweden. 2) Melodic heavy power metal band from Japan. 1. A Swedish Black metal band formed in Stockholm, Sweden in 2004. To date they have released three full-length album and 2 demos. Their most recent album, The Antagonist's Fire, was released through World Terror Committee on November 11, 2013. In March of 2005, the first aural offering was crafted under the title, Funeral Voices
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