Wedard is a black metal band from Memmingen, Germany, founded at the end of 2002 by Sternenfrost as a one-man solo project. The target was to play depressive and melancholic black metal. After some long breaks and releasing some unofficial demos, at the beginning of 2005 the first official demo "...von Liebe und Waldern" was released. This demo was largely only for friends and happened to be released by Sternenfrost himself. In the middle part of 2005 Sternenfrost searched for a human drummer, because he no longer wanted programmed drums.
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Wedard is a black metal band from Memmingen, Germany, founded at the end of 2002 by Sternenfrost as a one-man solo project. The target was to play depressive and melancholic black metal. After some long breaks and releasing some unofficial demos, at the beginning of 2005 the first official demo "...von Liebe und Waldern" was released. This demo was largely only for friends and happened to be released by Sternenfrost himself. In the middle part of 2005 Sternenfrost searched for a human drummer, because he no longer wanted programmed drums.
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