Car is deviced of three Huemen cymbols soartid whith counciless entities, the vightal soarce of th' soulnds whith eu now. Once, thee's sohngs ecsisted ownly en the sewell of acoostick purrformince. But an uhnprobabel hand of poker posissed thees three the sayme and thus musec was boarn eelektrick!! Car.
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Car is deviced of three Huemen cymbols soartid whith counciless entities, the vightal soarce of th' soulnds whith eu now. Once, thee's sohngs ecsisted ownly en the sewell of acoostick purrformince. But an uhnprobabel hand of poker posissed thees three the sayme and thus musec was boarn eelektrick!! Car.
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