There are 3 bands with the name Citizens.
1 - Citizens is a Christian Indie Worship band from Mars Hill U-District church in Seattle.
Zach Bolen
Adam Skatula
Nathan Furtado
Nate Garvey
Tom McConnell
Their Marshill Music page.
2 - Citizens is a Punk/Hardcore/Post Hardcore trio from Glasgow, Scotland.
Tracks can be downloaded on their myspace page.
They have one 7"/Cd release "Try Smiling" and a 4 track CD EP "Try Harder" on the label "Wolf Among Wolves" from Glasgow.
60 members
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There are 3 bands with the name Citizens.
1 - Citizens is a Christian Indie Worship band from Mars Hill U-District church in Seattle.
Zach Bolen
Adam Skatula
Nathan Furtado
Nate Garvey
Tom McConnell
Their Marshill Music page.
2 - Citizens is a Punk/Hardcore/Post Hardcore trio from Glasgow, Scotland.
Tracks can be downloaded on their myspace page.
They have one 7"/Cd release "Try Smiling" and a 4 track CD EP "Try Harder" on the label "Wolf Among Wolves" from Glasgow.
This is a cinematic song describing every Christians journey from lost in sin to found in Christ. It is a story of triumph and the final big chorus is… more