Huis ("home doors" in french, and "house" in dutch) is a five member musical project officially formed by Pascal Lapierre and Michel Joncas at the end of 2009, after an oustanding and inspiring trip in the Netherlands. At that time, we decided to put on tape (read hard drive!) some ideas we had in mind since a long time. Over time, three other talented musicians, William Regnier, Sylvain Descôteaux and Michel St-Père, joined the band, each one bringing a special touch to Huis’ sound.
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Huis ("home doors" in french, and "house" in dutch) is a five member musical project officially formed by Pascal Lapierre and Michel Joncas at the end of 2009, after an oustanding and inspiring trip in the Netherlands. At that time, we decided to put on tape (read hard drive!) some ideas we had in mind since a long time. Over time, three other talented musicians, William Regnier, Sylvain Descôteaux and Michel St-Père, joined the band, each one bringing a special touch to Huis’ sound.
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