PUNK HARDCORE band started in 1981 four young men come together to form a group to kill boredom names: Txerra (drums), Carlos (voice) Yul (guitar) and Portugal (bass). Their first album in 1983 and this would be a shared Eskorbuto serious "Special area north". It would take five years to his first LP by the numerous problems with the local, instruments, record labels, etc.. That album would be called "DO NOT MOVE" album with lyrics and music made for fun becoming one of the best LP's that has ever been heard before.
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PUNK HARDCORE band started in 1981 four young men come together to form a group to kill boredom names: Txerra (drums), Carlos (voice) Yul (guitar) and Portugal (bass). Their first album in 1983 and this would be a shared Eskorbuto serious "Special area north". It would take five years to his first LP by the numerous problems with the local, instruments, record labels, etc.. That album would be called "DO NOT MOVE" album with lyrics and music made for fun becoming one of the best LP's that has ever been heard before.