Drpapi aka Dr. Rene S. Lasanta
Pearland, TX, USA
Baba Oluwatoke Ifawole Ifayemi, Chief Amufawunmi of OIDSI (Dr. Rene S. Lasanta) is a first-generation Puerto Rican born in Detroit, Michigan in 1955. He has been a musician since the age of 8 when he played bass in his father’s trio. Specializing on the Bass and percussion. He has played in many bands throughout his life. Married for over 25 years and father of four boys. Two of which are musicians. He has 6 grandchildren. He’s a U S Army retired veteran, holds a Bachelor of Science and Doctor of Chiropractic Medicine degrees. He practiced Chiropractic medicine for over 20 years and taught at the high school and junior college level. He is currently retired and a music producer. He has been a Priest of IFA since 2013. He has been an IFA practitioner since 2005.