Toulouse, France
Stay true to our origins. This has been the credo of EverRise since the creation of the band in 2015 when the two founding members, Laurent (bass) and Ben (vocals) decided to put together an old school melodic Death project after many other projects from different backgrounds, but always extreme.
Since then, EverRise has continued to offer death metal that is both melodic and brutal, giving pride of place to guitar leads, but always influenced by all the past experiences of its musicians.
After a first self-produced album in 2015 – DawnLight – which received much attention from the French press, the two friends decided to complete the band's line-up to perform on stage.
It is with this line-up that the second studio album – After the Eclipse, 2018 – is composed. The sound this time is provided by the now essential Vamacara Studio for a result once again very well received by the press, who appreciate a more varied and modern melodic Death which does not forget its roots.