Every now and then, the entertainment industry witnesses the emergence of new icons, talented producers and performers.
Elhiem Megezi, otherwise known as Sk8Board Bama or King Seven Grand, now rocks the industry like never before as a unique artistic and music genius.
Without doubts, it takes ingenuity, creativity, and drive to develop a solid record label, a media presence, or a music fan base. Today, Elhiem Megezi, an emerging icon in the entertainment industry, sets a unique stage for artistic performance to rock the industry like never before.
Elhiem hailed from Opelika, Alabama where his mother worked hard to make sure that he had good grades. By virtue of being ADHD, he was quite hyperactive in his school days, and he thus became somewhat of a problem child in school.
After his release, he decided to make something in the music and multimedia business. He states, “Having developed an interest in music and art, I left home for larger cities to start a small production
Every now and then, the entertainment industry witnesses the emergence of new icons, talented producers and performers.
Elhiem Megezi, otherwise known as Sk8Board Bama or King Seven Grand, now rocks the industry like never before as a unique artistic and music genius.
Without doubts, it takes ingenuity, creativity, and drive to develop a solid record label, a media presence, or a music fan base. Today, Elhiem Megezi, an emerging icon in the entertainment industry, sets a unique stage for artistic performance to rock the industry like never before.
Elhiem hailed from Opelika, Alabama where his mother worked hard to make sure that he had good grades. By virtue of being ADHD, he was quite hyperactive in his school days, and he thus became somewhat of a problem child in school.
After his release, he decided to make something in the music and multimedia business. He states, “Having developed an interest in music and art, I left home for larger cities to start a small production
After many adverse situations, we finally made it out. With this, we cement the no man left behind rule. 2Mill Makes his debut with this single p… more