Augsburg, Deutschland
Hello everyone, thank you for stopping by.🖐
I am Mister Moustache, I'm from Germany and I have started to produce music in May 2020. I have had a very good time with my new hobby, but in order to get to the next level, I decided that I would need your help. By disliking or liking my videos, I know how you feel about my music in general. I would also really appreciate you commenting on what I could do better.
For now all of my beats are free for profit use, so feel free to jump on them 😊🎶.
I really hope, that you will end up enjoying some of my stuff, but if not, I am still very thankful that you decided to take time out of your day to listen to my beats. Have a good one.♥️
Hier noch ein Gruß an die Deutschen unter euch.
Ich mache jetzt seit Mai 2020 bisschen Musik. HipHop/Rap Beats um genau zu sein. Ich würde mich sehr über euer positives als auch negatives, konstruktives Feedback freuen, da mir das helfen kann mich weiter zu entwickeln. Vielen Dank.♥️