[About myself]
Im Slashifiy, Let me tell you a little bit about myself. This music stuff is deeper than just talking shit and trying to put on a act that I am a gangster or mobster. In reality its how I let go of this anger and aggression I have in my soul...without this I would be doing what I mention in my songs. It also helps with trauma. I can't speak on with my family cuz they wouldn't believe me or even know how to help. Ive been different my whole life. And this music shit is what has helped me. I hope it could possibly help you as well
God bless y'all🖤.
[Where can you contact slashifiy/Features & Collabs?]
Email -
[email protected]
Social Medias - Instagram 🤙🏽
Features/Collabs are free as of right now. Just give me a text and I will get back to you.🥷🏽
[Who inspired me?]
XXXTENTACION, Ski Mask The Slump God, etc. A lot of the underground scene and even now. People like @LXXIV @TR3