Terry Blade (aka Terence Blade)
Chicago, IL, USA
Terry Blade is a singer-songwriter. His musical work is grounded in his experience as a black queer-identifying artist. He was born and raised in Washington, DC, and resides in Chicago, IL. Since 2020, he has won more than 30 music and film awards for his music, including Clouzine Magazine's "Best Folk Song" award for Mr. Robertson. Terry's music has been featured and highlighted by Country Queer, Adobe and Teardrops, Thisis50, Yellow & Black, SwanoDown, Tinnitist, and Baron Mag. On February 5, 2021, Terry premiered his 19-track epic debut album American Descendant of Slavery, The Album to critical acclaim. The album won the Gold Award for Original Music in an Audio Production at the 15th Annual 2021 AVA Digital Awards. The Archives of African American Music & Culture has included the album on its "February 2021 Black Music Releases of Note."