Klymaxx Ft Cheryl Cooley
Los Angeles
KLYMAXX the only all – female band to ever chart on the R&B and Funk Billboard Magazine has embarked on their 40th Year Anniversary tour, celebrating their fan favorite, “Meeting In The Ladies Room.” This iconic band blends real life experiences with the melodic tones of Jazz, Funk, Rock, and Soul. Their music remains a staple for men and women fans alike, and have intrigued the ears of the latest generation, including popular DJs who have remixed their hit with Megan Thee Stallion’s “Thot Sh*t.” Additionally, they have been spotlighted as the pioneers for women’s anthems and fashion by Saturday Night Live, yielding millions of new fans. This legacy of Klymaxx remains strong due to the iconic co-founder and lead guitarist, Cheryl Cooley, who served as the band’s Musical Director, and has kept her ear evolving by developing more dynamic arrangements of their hits. The band’s music is a staple on the radio and in dance clubs around the world; crossing over many genre styles.
Klymaxx Ft Cheryl Cooley
Los Angeles
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KLYMAXX the only all – female band to ever chart on the R&B and Funk Billboard Magazine has embarked on their 40th Year Anniversary tour, celebrating their fan favorite, “Meeting In The Ladies Room.” This iconic band blends real life experiences with the melodic tones of Jazz, Funk, Rock, and Soul. Their music remains a staple for men and women fans alike, and have intrigued the ears of the latest generation, including popular DJs who have remixed their hit with Megan Thee Stallion’s “Thot Sh*t.” Additionally, they have been spotlighted as the pioneers for women’s anthems and fashion by Saturday Night Live, yielding millions of new fans. This legacy of Klymaxx remains strong due to the iconic co-founder and lead guitarist, Cheryl Cooley, who served as the band’s Musical Director, and has kept her ear evolving by developing more dynamic arrangements of their hits. The band’s music is a staple on the radio and in dance clubs around the world; crossing over many genre styles.
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