Mario Malatesta
Las Vegas, NV, USA
The scene opens with a young man at the record player, in his living room, lifting the needle in frustration as he attempts to learn the songs from his idols for his neighborhood cover band.
His mother, father and aunt are musicians, so it is safe to say it is in his DNA.
Through high school he expanded on his musical education and studied with an inspiring teacher John J. Tokarski at the Fine Arts Building on Michigan Ave in Chicago. It is in the basement of his childhood home on Linder Avenue where he hones his skills.
Choices accompany maturity, and he chooses the safer path and abandons his musical aspirations. Some itches just must be scratched, and he finds his way back to his love of music later in life.
Mario enrolled in the Winter 2023 semester at Berklee, completing their Certificate Program with a 4.000 GPA. He studied with respected Professors Bruce Bartlett, Kevin Belz, and Thaddeus Hogarth.